Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I'm still alive!

Hello my little loves!!  I'm sorry I have been gone for so long.  I just really wanted to enjoy summer with my kiddos and not be sitting here at the computer.  But with that being said, summer is coming to a fast end so I'm back with pictures and stories and training and secrets and all sorts of good stuff for you!  I will share a few pictures with you and work on getting back to chatting with you more often! Although on that note, I do post almost every day on Instagram and Facebook.  Look for me!  My username is LoveLacey365.

I made Mr. J do a T25 workout with me and he almost died! LOL This is his fake smile.

I'm still swimming each week.  I'm also still trying to figure out my goggles.  Those giant bags under my eyes are from the goggles. Not very flattering but hey I didn't drown! 

I did drink some wine this summer! 

Mr. J and I went to see Shania Twain (yep that's her in a tepee of lights).  She was AMAZING!  She came out of the floor of the stage, She rode around the crowd in a little cart, and also flew around on a jeweled saddle! She was SO good!!  And I hope I look half as good as her at 50! Holy thigh high boots! 

And despite his face here he did have fun! LOL 

Afterwards we went out to the Wild Beaver Saloon!  That was SO much fun!

I have been running semi-regularly with these Yetis!

And last but not least we just got home for our annual trip to Lake Erie!  We had SO much fun and I will share a lot more pictures on that soon!  

I have been taking tons of pictures and thinking about what I want to share with you guys a lot lately.  So I will definitely be posting more.  The kids start school in 2 weeks!  That includes Miss V going to Kindergarten.  Where did my baby go?! A part of me is ready (the need to bust out some miles and get super serious about training) but part of me is NOT ready at all (the I want my littles to stay little for a long time!). It's just the start of a new chapter in our lives! 

Anyways!  What have you been up to? Did you miss me?  What do you want to see on my blog?

Love, Lacey