Friday, May 16, 2014

Slowing Down - May 2014

Every day for about a week, Miss V has come to me in the morning and said "Mommy will you hold me?".  Well the first few days I kind of huffed about it.  I had JUST gotten the boys off to school and sat down to drink my coffee and eat my breakfast.  Then I would need to rush around and get her ready for school and get myself ready to run errands all day. But by day 3 I suddenly realized a few things.  One, my baby girl isn't going to be a baby forever!  She will be 5 in about a month and although she isn't going to Kindergarten this coming fall, she will be in college before I know it. 

 Two, she isn't always going to love me like this.  I can HOPE she does!  I pray that as she grows we have the kind of relationship that she feels she can come and talk to me about anything and we can be good friends and love to spend time together.  But as most of us know, at some point she will think I'm stupid and not want to do what I think she should. So I need to soak in this time with her while she still says I'm her BFF!  

Three, (And to me the most important) SHE IS WORTH MY TIME!  Did you see what I said? She is worth every single second of my time. She is more precious than gold or silver and is more important than anything I have to do that day.  NOTHING is so important (even my coffee!) that I can't hold her.  Most of the time she doesn't want me to stop watching the news or drinking my coffee, she just wants me to hold her. I want her to know that she is worth my time! I want her to remember this when she is older and looking for friends or a boyfriend, that she IS worth people's time. That she doesn't have to chase anyone for them to love her. 

Some times life gets so busy and crazy and my To-Do list is a mile long! But nothing (aside from my marriage!)  is more important (or should be) than my kids!  They are only little for a short time.  They only live in my house for so long and then I have to let them go.  While they are here it's my job to show them what it looks like to be a loving, caring, productive member of society (or our family).  I wouldn't want my kids to tell someone they don't have time to love them because they are too busy or that person is interrupting their morning coffee.  I don't think that is how Jesus would have treated ANYONE let alone his own children! 

Learning to slow down is hard. But if you can take a step outside of yourself, see yourself through the other person's eyes and prospective, you will see the importance of slowing down.

Love, Lacey

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