Tuesday, July 15, 2014

100th Post?!

"Hello?! Is it me your looking for?" Well probably not but I have been missing!  I'm very sorry.  I let life just get in the way.  I was training for a specific 5k to reach a goal time and between running, kids, summer, husband, cooking, cleaning, eating, sleeping . . . well you get the idea.  BUT I'm BACK!!!!! I wish I had something really cool to make this 100th post special but it's just another post about life!

Life is good.  God is stretching and growing us in a new and scary exciting direction. I will share more as time goes and He starts revealing His plan and provisions for us.  But for now, just know that life isn't always about you.  It's not about things. It's not about money. It's not about staying in your bubble. It's about breaking out of your comfort zone and trusting Him.  He knows what is best for you.  A friend from church offered me the opportunity to serve in a capacity that I wouldn't normally see myself in and it would stretch me outside my comfort zone.  I told her "I really am nervous but what if my blessing is outside my bubble?  I will never know His full blessing and won't be obedient if I don't ever break the bubble."  So in a few different areas in life I'm breaking the bubble.  I'm trusting Him!  Now that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and do nothing.  NOT EVEN CLOSE!  I still need to get out there and do my part.  I need to do my best.  But it also means that I'm going to rely more on him and less on me.

I heard on the radio today an acronym that I hadn't heard before and I think it's worth knowing and sharing!  It's an acronym for FAITH!

That is how I want to live my life!  Forsaking all!  From the outside I think that situations can look vastly different than they are. If you want to truly know someone, their situation, and reasons for what they do,  you have to go deeper. So in order for me to truly trust God I need to go deeper and talk to him and get to know His heart.  I'm trusting Him!

Love, Lacey

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