Monday, November 25, 2013

How to remove difficult nail polish

Happy Monday! Today seems like a Makeup Monday! So I'm going to show you how to remove stubborn nail polish! We have all had it, that glittery nail polish that just won't come off.  Or that DARK red or purple or black that seems to stain your nails.  Here is a quick tutorial on how I remove my nail polish (glittery or not).

So here are my nails! This is the new Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat polish in the color All Yarned up. If you don't know what this polish is, it is basically like a chunky glitter/confetti/sprinkle type polish.  It's a cute polish but its not easy to get off!

First, I take a cotton ball and unwrap it. It should unwrap into a long continuous piece of cotton.  I tear the long piece into about 5 or 6 chunks per cotton ball.  Then I pour some of my nail polish remover into the cap of the bottle. Be very careful not to spill.  I usually do this on a table or at our kitchen counter.  I use 100% pure acetone remover.  I know it's not the healthiest for your nails but my nails are strong and it works great for me!

Then take one of those cotton pieces and dip it into the remover.  Be careful not to soak up too much remover as you don't want it to drip everywhere. Then simply lay it on your nail.  Make sure the wettest part of the cotton piece is touching the nail itself.  That is what will allow it to soak the polish or glitter off. 

I usually leave the cotton on my nails for between 1 and 3 minutes.  It just depends on what polish is on my nails.  If it's glitter (or something like this fuzzy polish) I leave it on 3 minutes.  If it's just a regular polish, 1-2 minutes will be fine.  Once your time is up simply use the cotton that is on each nail and wipe them off.  If you have some still left around the edges take another cotton ball soaked with remover and simply wipe them down it should come off pretty easily. 

And there are my nails all clean!  It all came off pretty easily considering that it was a lot of glittery type pieces on my nails.  And you can see the crazy blue color that I painted them next! I hope you try this method of taking off polish the next time you are ready to change your polish. Hope you have a happy Monday!

Love, Lacey!

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